What's going on?

Monday, December 15, 2008

I can't believe I opened this blog account over 2 years ago and never got back to it. What does that tell ya??!
I just mainly wanted to start something to jot down my thoughts and have a way to let family and friends know what's going on with me. I stay so busy, I don't know how well I'll keep up with this. Let's just say we'll see how it goes.
Today, Monday, Dec 15,2008, has been a full day. First thing this morning got a call from Van saying Allison's dad, Dennis had been taken to the hospital. They felt he was having a heart attack. Well, they found out this afternoon, he indeed had had a heart attack. He will have more tests tomorrow. I hope he recovers completely and quickly. It sure is a scary thing.
The rest of my day has been spent on my usual Monday madness cleaning. I like to do all my major cleaning on Monday so I start the week off right. Plus I just hate to go out on Mondays, LOL. The weather today has been cloudy and warm. I love the warm part, cloudy I could change.
Well, this is my start to this blogging adventure. Hope to get back soon and keep at this.


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